A List Of Some Cool Facts About Orca- The Killer Whales
This article is dedicated to understanding some of the amazing facts about orca-the killer whales. Orcas are killer whales and they belong to the sub-order of toothed whales. But it is worth noting that orcas are actually the largest members of the dolphin family. These are very popular because of all the whales and dolphins these are most widely distributed. Have Orcas are found in almost all the oceans and many of the seas as well. The most common understand of their appearance is that killer whales can be distinguished or identified by their black and white colouring. While this is true to some extent, there appearance as well as their behaviour and way of communicating with fellow species members, can differ in terms of their habitat (or based on where they live or reside). You will be surprised to know that whales and dolphins are actually closely related and orcas form the bridge between the two (being a whale but at the same time the largest species in the...