Why Are Whale Watching Tours in Vancouver Island So Famous
Whale watching excursions on Vancouver Island are well-known for a number of noteworthy reasons, making them a very sought-after and well-liked pastime for both locals and visitors. The reputation of its whale watching trips is mostly due to Vancouver Island, which is off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, and offers a distinctive combination of natural advantages and attractions. Let's look at the main reasons for increasing number of whales watching tours in Vancouver Island : Plenty of marine life A vital migration route and feeding place for numerous whale species, Vancouver Island is located in an environmentally rich area. A wide variety of marine species, including orcas (killer whales), humpback whales, gray whales, minke whales, porpoises, seals, sea lions, and others, can be found in the island's coastal waters. Due to the profusion of marine life, whale watching excursions have a great possibility of running into these amazing creatures, giving tourists an unforg...